The Young and Arrhythmic Heart Meeting 2018 was held today, Saturday 26 May from 9.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. at the Laguna Palace Hotel in Mestre – Venice. This was the 7th Meeting organised by the Geca Onlus Association of Padua and certified ECM by Provider ID.1884 Department of Medicine.
The Geca Onlus Meeting appeals to young people with the ArtRitmica project
The update day on arrhythmic hereditary diseases was sponsored by the Veneto Region, Ulss 3, the Provincial Order of Surgeons and Dentists of Venice, the University of Padua, the Department of Medicine – Dimed, the Department of Thoracic and Vascular Cardiological Sciences Unipd, Telethon’s Friend Associations, the M. Guggenheim State Artistic High School of Venice, and the IC L. Spallanzani of Venice
This year, the Meeting was dedicated to the Honorary President of the Association, Prof. Andrea Nava, who has been a fundamental reference point for patients and families, as he has taught them how to live with this pathology and how to live normally.
An important opportunity for dialogue, therefore, between doctors and patients as well as a crucial moment of confrontation to make people understand the importance of prevention and to spread a culture of collaboration and sharing. Prof. Sabino Iliceto, director of the Department of Cardiology at the University of Padua, announced that a lecture hall at Padua University of Cardiology will be dedicated to Prof. Nava. Dr. Franco Giada, Director of the Complex Operative Unit of Sports Medicine and Physical Exercise of the Mirano-Dolo District of Ulss 3, and Dr. Maurizio Scassola, Vice-President of the Order of Surgeons and Dentists OMCeO of Venice, also brought their greetings.
Geca President Graziella Paola Marcon did the honours on behalf of Geca Onlus, while Dr. Bortolo Martini, Complex Operative Director of Cardiology at Azienda ULSS 4 Alto Vicentino, dedicated the tribute to his friend and colleague Prof. Andrea Nava. ‘Thanks to the Geca family for the invitation,’ began Martini. ‘A month before his death, Prof. Nava asked me to be part of this group, and today I ask you to welcome me’.
During the meeting, Dr. Luigi Tiene of the Life Tree company donated a defibrillator to the association, which was handed over to the Guggenheim High School in Venice. An exclusive presentation was then made of ArtRitmica, the brand new cultural project devised by the association to appeal to the younger generations through a creative and direct instrument such as contemporary art. A project that combines art, beauty, prevention and information and that speaks directly to young people.
Artist Stefano Reolon presented his book produced in collaboration with Prof. Barbara Bauce and psychologists Viviana Marcon and Fabiana Micheluzzi.
The Round Table
This was followed by a round table discussion between physicians and patients on the issues surrounding heart disease, with speeches by: Prof. Barbara Bauce, Cardiology Clinic, University of Padua; Prof. Luciano Daliento, Cardiology Clinic, University of Padua; Prof. Bortolo Martini, Cardiology, Azienda ULSS 4 Alto Vicentino; Prof. Alessandra Rampazzo, Department of Biology, University of Padua; Prof. Paola Melacini, Cardiology Specialist; Dott. ssa Loira Leoni, Cardiology Clinic, University of Padua; Dr. Francesco Corbetti, Specialist in Radiology; Dr. Ilaria Rigato, Cardiology Clinic, University of Padua; Dr. Elisa Mazzotti, Cardiology Specialist; Dr. Chiara Calore, Cardiology Clinic, University of Padua.